Celebrating Black History Month
              "Wearing of Kente Attire"
           March is Women's History Month: 
Please join Macedonia's IT Committee for a Computer Training session as we learn basic computer skills and Computer Security.  
Please join us as we recognize and honor our Ushers!
"TEA WITH LADY V" (First lady Viola Jackson).  Please join us as the Pastor's Aide Ministry hosts Tea Time with First Lady Jackson.  Tickets are still available!!  
The Scholarship Committee is excited to announce a "Fashion Show" in honor of Donnell E. Callis.  The committee is currently seeking models of all ages to showcase your outfits.  The categories are:  (1) Church Attire (with hat) (2) Formal Wear (3) Sports/Casual Wear (4) Urban Wear.  If you are interested in participating, please contact Deaconess Bernadette Rollins or Sis. Juanita Horn 
Our Church Family will have a special celebration to commemorate our "150th Sesquicentennial Church Anniversary" on Sunday, August 10, 2025, at 11:00 A.M.  & 3:00 P.M.  This event will mark a milestone, so we invite you to support this celebration by placing a congratulatory message (AD) in our Commemorative Book to be a part of this historical moment.  We thank you in advance for your kind consideration and contribution.  We also encourage you to please spread the word to share this special celebration about our historical moment with family and friends.  God Bless You!  
 "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."  (II Timothy 3:16)