
Summer Vacation photo's are due
Please submit any photos you may have from your Summer Vacation to Sis. Joanne Hairston or Sis Sandra Broaddus. Thank You and God Bless!
Grandparents Day
10:00am Communion Sunday
2:30pm St. Thomas B.C Homecoming
Pastor Jackson & congregation are invited to St. Thomas Baptist Church Homecoming. It is asked if everyone could possibly wear "Purple" attire. The address is: 1567 Bumpass Road, Bumpass, VA 23024.
National Back-to-Church Sunday, 11:00am
(CASUAL ATTIRE) We are so excited and pleased to announce that Sunday, September 15, 2024, is "National Back-To-Church Sunday!" This is a day where we are encouraging all church members, family, friends and co-workers, to attend Worship Service with us at 11:00 A.M., as Pastor Jackson brings us "The Word." Please encourage a previous member to come "Back-To-Church" by extending an invitation to them to come out and fellowship with us! If you know someone that does not have a Church Home, we also encourage you to invite them to join us and celebrate this Special Day! We pray that everyone will participate in "Back-To-Church Sunday." God Bless
7:00 PM  Revival with Good Hope Baptist Church
Prayer Service starts at 7:00pm Worship Service starts at 7:30pm Address: 342 Johnsville, Road, Dunnsville, VA 22454
10:00am Women's Ministry Meeting
To discuss "Winter Wonderland"
11:00 AM  Deacon, Deaconess & Trustee Annual Day
4pm The Washington's Wedding Celebration
Bro. Wayne Washington Sis Carole Washington's Wedding Celebration
10:00 AM  Casual Sunday/All Choirs Celebration
Church Service starts at 10:00am
No Sunday School Today
Bring in Canned Foods
Please bring in canned foods for the: * Church Food Pantry * Bowling Green Food Pantry * Thanksgiving Baskets
Church Family planning for contributions
The Church Family will be planning for contributions for: *Hallelujah Night (Candy) *Thanksgiving Baskets *Bowling Green Food Bank (can goods) *Macedonia Baptist Church Food Pantry annual drives